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When starting to consider increasing employee involvement, it is worth answering the question, what exactly is work engagement? It would seem that commitment is an intuitively understood term. When it is said that someone is involved, the meaning of such a statement seems understandable without additional explanation. Meanwhile, some difficulties may arise if you think more deeply about the definition of commitment.


If you want to show your supervisors that you are a dedicated employee, do more than required. Give more than 100%, work longer if necessary and create creative suggestions to get involved in the company. Support your co-workers when they have a lot to do and are unable to manage all their work on their own.


One of the researchers of commitment, Dilys Robinson, (2004) and his colleagues describe it as a positive attitude of the employee towards the organization and its values. A committed employee works with colleagues to increase work efficiency so that it benefits his company. He is also aware of the context in which he has to act, he knows the importance of his work for the company. In turn, the organization must work to develop and nurture commitment, which requires a two-way relationship between the employer and employee. What is characteristic of this way of understanding commitment is its specific two-sidedness. Commitment cannot take place if both the employee and the employer do not make reasonable efforts to achieve it. It is therefore impossible to achieve commitment if only one of the parties is committed to it.


On the other hand, Kevin Kurse (2012) in the internet edition of the Forbes magazine notes that employee involvement leads to increased company value. This is thanks to a process he describes as the "Engagement-Profit Chain". This chain begins with engaging employees. Employee involvement leads to an increase in the quality and efficiency of their work, which results in higher customer satisfaction, which in turn results in increased sales. More sales mean more profits, and high profits translate into higher returns for shareholders (e.g. rising share prices).




According to the definition that can be found on the PWN website, creative "is creating something new, original". ... An alternative, more everyday definition of creativity is that it is simply "the ability to create something new." As thinking people, we react and come up with new solutions to make our lives easier.


The modern world is developing very fast and leaves no other choice but to adapt to the prevailing requirements. Every profession requires creative thinking, because sometimes patterns can fail. Without a creative and creative approach to a problem, it is sometimes impossible to solve it.


Ways to stimulate creativity


Creative thinking has become a desirable trait by employers who appreciate an employee who solves problems by himself in a creative way. Each of us has the potential for creative thinking, but not everyone knows how to stimulate creativity.

  • SLEEPING UP - A sleepy person is an irritable, nervous and frustrated person. Even a nap during the day can provide us with an interesting solution to a problem that keeps us busy.

  • PENCIL AND PENCIL - when writing an idea on a piece of paper, we must involve a larger part of the brain, which is responsible, for example, for the coordination of the hand and eye while writing. When you write down your notes, you can draw something in the margin that will result in another idea.

  • BE INSPIRED BY PEOPLE - it is easier to find new ideas in a group. By working outside the home, you can meet interesting people. Therefore, a cool solution is to work in a coworking space, which is a chance to meet new, creative people.

  • GOOD MUSIC - everyone should try out different genres and choose what suits them and helps them while creating, because it is known that silence does not help creative thinking.

  • MEDITATION - it brings us into a state of relaxation and relaxation, during which we can begin to look at our thoughts and find solutions to our problems.


Thinking is the key to being creative


However, one must remember to be a participant and recipient of the world of art, because reading books, going to the theatre to see performances, or admiring works of art is the stimulus that drives our brain to think creatively.

Can you be creative and analytical at the same time?


In job offers, creativity and analytical skills are the most important among the requirements for employees. So, is it possible to be both creatively and analytically gifted?

First of all, it is worth remembering that we are talking about two different, even contradictory thought processes.


Analytically is the ability to break down a problem into prime factors and find meaning and logical structure in it. Creativity means conceptual thinking that results in the creation of something new, so it is about synthesis, not analysis. Logic alone often hinders the creative thinking process by setting artificial limits to the imagination.


There are only a small percentage of people who combine both. They are exceptionally gifted with systems design and strategic planning. It is worth knowing, however, that they do not perform well in positions that require quick decision-making, they are also theoreticians rather than practitioners. In FRIS we call people with this style of action Strategists - they are Researchers with a strong perspective of Ideas or Visionaries with a strong perspective of Structures.


However, the absolute majority of us can have either a creative or analytical mind :)


The chain of creative thinking begins with the preparation phase, in which you need to gather the necessary information about solving our case on an intellectual level, in which we consciously try to come up with a solution, although very often irritation and frustration come, because the solution does not appear. Then a good solution is to deal with a completely different type of activity, e.g. cooking, DIY, ironing or washing up. These activities allow us to "turn off" conscious thinking. A good solution is to leave the notebook by the bed and when you "wake up" write down the information provided by your brain during sleep. When we manage to develop enough ideas, we can start to verify them according to our criteria.




Empathy20 is a well-known word, but do we know what it means to be empathetic? The Greek word "empátheia" means "suffering". In psychology, the term empathy refers to the ability to perceive and empathize with other people's emotional states. Empathy should not be confused with compassion. Compassion puts us above the person we sympathize with, and the ability to empathize is the ability to put ourselves in the shoes of another person.


In practice, empathy is an extremely important social skill. A person with significant empathic abilities understands his own emotions and is able to accurately recognize emotional states in other people. This has a positive effect on the understanding of social dependencies and interpersonal relations. Empathetic people are aware of other people's feelings, see the basis of their values ​​and are able to empathize with specific situations. Such perception of the world allows you to verify your own views and admit mistakes, as well as significantly reduce aggressive behaviour. Lack of empathy in the social context is a negative phenomenon because it leads to indifference, difficulties in resolving conflicts and reaching for forceful solutions.


You can put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand their thoughts and feelings. Empathy is important to be able to better deal with colleagues and colleagues, avoid conflict situations, and achieve meaningful goals together.


What makes people have such widely varying levels of empathy? Psychology distinguishes three groups of reasons responsible for building the level of empathy in humans: biological, psychological and environmental predispositions.


Psychologists distinguish two types of empathy:

Emotional empathy is related to feeling other people's emotions. It's understanding that someone is feeling emotions such as pain, old age, anger or anger. A person with emotional empathy understands what causes the feelings of the other person, can imagine them, and can sympathize with these emotions. Directly in the dialogue, this type of empathy facilitates communication and also the natural adaptation of non-verbal language.

Cognitive empathy is the ability to adopt another person's way of thinking and observe reality from their perspective. This skill makes it much easier to communicate also with people who are strangers or come from other cultural groups, because a person who shows cognitive empathy is able to adapt to assumptions of a different value system.


Interestingly, emotional and cognitive empathy may or may not go hand in hand. We can understand the other person, their position and emotions, but not feel those emotions at all. It is also possible to feel emotions but not fully understand the person's position.


Empathy is a product of several factors that we mentioned earlier. This means that to some extent it can be learned, or at least some of the mechanisms influencing human relationships can be understood. Sometimes empathy can be triggered by an event that makes us begin to see the emotions of others. Embracing an animal also helps in developing empathy. Cats and dogs (but also other domestic animals) unmistakably recognize their owner's emotions and can teach us to do the same in relation to other people.


Empathy training should be based on these points:

  • attention training - observing the situation, watching its development;

  • listening practice - understanding what is being heard, being alert to what the other person calls emotions, focusing on what he or she wants to convey;

  • practicing self-awareness - recognizing your own feelings and learning to name them;

  • communication exercise - communicating your feelings and naming other people's feelings.


Empathy helps in many situations, facilitates everyday functioning, and allows you to establish good relationships. It is desirable in many professions in which a man cannot cope without empathy. It is also worth realizing that a person deprived of empathy or with a very low level of it may impose his will on others and not notice that such uncompromisingness is a source of conflicts and negative emotions.


Evaluation quiz # 4

Describe empathic situations absorbed at work or in private life



20. https://www.medonet.pl/zdrowie,czym-jest-empatia-i-czy-mozna-sie-jej-nauczyc--o-czym-swiadczy -brak-empatii-,artykul,1728439.html















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